Friday, April 17, 2015

Bikini Report: Selena Gomez. Get to DARE.

When you begin blogging about hot girls, you have a moral code that you must abide by. You want to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. You want to be respectful. Above all, you don't want to encourage unhealthy eating habits amongst the next generation of women--but screw it:

This is what Selena Gomez is supposed to look like...

This is what Selena looks like now...

See the problem? She's a tiny lady, so any weight gain will be noticeable. Still, she's a millionaire with no regular employment. Does she have anything better to do than get on a treadmill? Eat right. She was much hotter when she was dating Justin Bieber--first time that has been written. (Serious, though, mad respect to the Biebs for hitting it when it's still hot.) Bieber ruined Gomez not because he was so good in the sack, but because after him, no man would want to touch the Disney Channel hottie.

Apparently she likes the marijuana, so she needs to eat carrots when she gets the munchies. And the marijuana and the Funyons are not the healthy option here. The best comparison that I can think of is Britney Spears, who was hot until she reached about 21, then the booze happened and her two sons with local idiot Kevin Federline happened.

My penis is on Defcon yellow. It is mourning her former hotness.